50th Year for DS Shield and Maryborough wins!
Contributed by Trish Hansen
Bundaberg Queensland Rail Institute (QRI) Social Club members celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the District Supervisors (DS) Shield at the Burnett Bowls Club. Malcolm Misfeld, District Superintendent of Queensland Rail, donated the shield in 1972 for play between Gympie, Maryborough and Bundaberg QRI Social Bowls Clubs. Congratulations to this year’s winner, the Maryborough team.
Bundaberg QRI members are now looking forward to travelling to Gympie in June next year for a rematch. President Keith Ware also welcomed Tom Morris, who was born in Warwick in 1938 and started work with QGR (railways) as a lad porter in February 1954. He travelled through many stations, chasing promotions, until finally transferring to Maryborough in 1970 as a guard. He retired as a driver in Maryborough in 2003 after 49 years of service. He joined QRI in 1973 (approx) and was made a life member in 2012 on both local and state branch.