Q7s set to kick off in February
Q7s will commence a month later this year to help minimise the heat factor. The 2021 start weekend will be February 6-7, 2021.
Tournament Director, Bob Proctor, says that early indications suggest that Q7s will attract a number of ‘first time’ participants because of the quality and longevity of the Q7s competition. Bob spoke about the turmoil that clubs had endured this year, and how Q7s had reduced all nomination fees by $100 without any reduction in prize money of more than $150,000.
The season launch was held at Salisbury with a Breakfast & Bowls. As has been the case at every launch, all raffle proceeds are donated to a nominated charity. This year the charity is “Black Dog Institute” which deals in mental health. Season 2021 will be seen as a return to normal – which is very necessary for Personal & Club recovery. It will be full of good spirits and light heartedness.